This old vessel cracked and worn
Holds a heart broken and torn
Fearfully, wonderfully, hand
crafted and whole
But Life had mishandled it
So it fell to the floor
As it lay shattered
The vessel was broken
By rejection, rough handling &
painful words spoken
The music was fading, quickly
growing dim
Although the heart was still
beating, the chances were slim
The Potter arrived not a moment too soon
He put that heart in his hands
He saw every wound
It once played a hearts melody sweet
Now it was silent, barely able to beat
He had to admit the damage was bad
A heart without music was terribly sad
But first thing was first that vessel was shattered
There on the floor all broken & scattered
With gentle hands each piece He collected
The big ones, the small ones, not one was rejected
Carefully giving heed to every tiny part
Never forgetting the quietness of the heart
As He worked His smile did grow
He could see progress beginning to show
Taking His time, not wishing to rush
He enjoyed restoring this thing that was crushed
He gave loving attention from start
Mending that vessel back into a work of art
Now all that was left was tending the heart
A heart barely beating and void of song
The damage done was terribly wrong
He said Now I will change it
I will make it new
It will be cleaned and soft as morning dew
No more like stone and easily broken
This promise I give will be as a token
I will bind up these wounds
Peace will abound and new joy awoken
Every Melody restored
This have I spoken
When His work was complete
The Potter admired His vessel
Noting how the weakness, cracks and imperfections somehow made it
That’s what His fingerprints do
They fix. They restore. They make everything new.
What was once dying now has life
Life abundtly too
So be of courage
If your vessel is broken
Or your heart is abused
Wounded by life and lacking melody too
Hold on for a moment, The Potter will come
When He is finished you’ll no longer feel numb
The song will come back, your heartbeat will grow
Your vessel He’ll mend making it whole
There is hope for you yet, despite how it seems
There’s purpose in the breaking, always something to gleam
The potter loves your vessel, even cracked and worn
and He’ll hold your heart, broken and torn